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If these pages contain information regarding a “professional investor,” it is understood that such investors are considered “qualified investors” according to Article 10 of the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA). All the information contained on these pages is intended solely for the use of the person to whom it is made available and may not be reproduced, copied, or provided to other persons. The content of these pages is not directed at individuals in jurisdictions where (due to reasons of residence, nationality, or other reasons) the publication or access to the Site is not authorized. Persons subject to such restrictions are therefore not authorized to access the Site. Furthermore, the products and services presented on this Site may not be available to individuals residing in (or nationals of) certain countries. These pages and all the documents contained therein are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any offer, solicitation, and/or recommendation for the promotion of services and/or financial instruments. Any individual units or securities included in the financial instruments described on this website are not available for sale in any jurisdiction where such sale is not permitted and/or would be illegal. This site and the documents contained herein may contain information about financial instruments that may be authorized for public sale in Switzerland. For subscriptions to financial instruments, an independent assessment is recommended, with the assistance of a professional, based in particular on the fact sheet, prospectus, or other informational document regarding the financial instruments in question. Please note that the price of securities and the returns derived from financial instruments may fluctuate both downward and upward, and may also be affected by changes in exchange rates. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The investor may lose the amount initially invested.

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